Gymnasium Dreikönigschule Dresden

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Having been visited by biology doctoral canidates from all over the world, we had the opportunity to watch zebra fish zygotes, genetically modified fruit flies and to take a look at our genetic fingerprints – the DNA.

With the help of the doctoral canidates, currently working at the Max-Planck-Institut here in Dresden, we watched different aged zygotes of zebra fish, reaching form a mass out of cells to organisms with beating hearts. We experimented with different fruit flies – every type of them genetically modified differently.

Some of them had wavy wings, some of them white eyes and some of them got paralysed by the heat coming from our hands. After that we tried the work of a geneticist, so we worked with DNA and took a look at the genetic fingerprint we all carry around with us.


Altogether it was a fantastic experience and we hope that future students can get the same opportunity as we got.


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